We work to ACT JUSTLY by opposing all forms of evil and oppression, valuing not only saved souls but a healed world

We recognize that all people have not been treated equally as children of God, worthy of love and justice. We recognize the role our Church, society, political systems, and selves have played in building and maintaining this persistent, unequal treatment. We vow to address this injustice in action and in voice, through love and living faith, by:  

  • Seeking and lifting up the viewpoints of oppressed, often minority, people;
  • Bringing awareness to the presence and effect of systemic prejudice against race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and age by providing times and spaces for learning, reconciliation and healing;
  • Advocating for basic human rights - access to food, health care, sanitary living conditions, and equal protection under and by the law; and
  • Literally standing for justice and welcoming our community to stand for justice in our house and in our world.

Justice challenges, "Whose safety is being sacrificed and minimized to allow others to be comfortable maintaining dehumanizing views?"

We choose to be uncomfortable as we work for social justice and invite you to join us.

* Stewart, Dafina-Lazarus. "Language of Appeasement." Inside Higher Ed, March 30, 2017, www.insidehighered.com/views/2017/03/30/colleges-need-language-shift-not-one-you-think-essay.