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In the words of John 8:12, Jesus declared, "I am the light of the world."

Just as the North Star serves as a steadfast guide in the night sky, providing direction and hope, our faith community at Bethel International UMC is committed to being a beacon of light for all who seek purpose and belonging.

Introducing North Star Congregations:

Recently, our leadership at Bethel International UMC joyfully accepted an invitation to become a North Star Congregation. The opportunity to join an esteemed group of churches within the West Ohio Conference designated as North Star Congregations aligns with the kind of church we want to be.

What Does it Mean to Be a North Star Congregation?

At its core, a North Star Congregation is a welcoming space for individuals who have experienced church closures or disaffiliation. We believe that every person has a place within the United Methodist Church, and we extend that inclusive spirit to all who walk through our doors.

Our Commitments:
  1. Embracing the Mission: As a North Star Congregation, we wholeheartedly embrace the mission of the United Methodist Church, committed to staying united and connected within the larger body of Christ.

  2. Welcoming All: We understand that life's journey can bring seasons of grief, transition, and uncertainty. During these times, we provide a safe and nurturing environment where anyone can find belonging, care, and love. Whether for a short or extended period, our doors are open, and our hearts are ready to embrace you.

  3. Engaging in Ministries: We offer diverse opportunities for individuals and families to engage in our ministries without any pressure or expectation. From vibrant worship experiences, both online and in person, to small group gatherings, Bible studies, and prayer opportunities, we provide spaces where everyone can grow and deepen their faith.

  4. Building Connections: We believe in the power of connection. If, for any reason, our congregation may not be the perfect fit for you at this particular season, we are dedicated to helping you find another North Star Congregation that will meet your needs. Together, we foster a strong and supportive connectional community.


If you would like to learn more about Bethel International UMC's involvement in this exciting initiative or have any questions, we encourage you to reach out to us through your preferred means of contact. To explore the list of other North Star Congregations within the region, please visit

At Bethel International UMC, we are honored to be part of the North Star Congregations, guided by the light of Christ and committed to providing a welcoming and nurturing space for all.

Together, let us journey in faith, love, and connection as we navigate life's challenges and joys.